Mount Washington Resort Association dba Tourism Mount Washington Member Benefits

As a stakeholder on the mountain and/or a member of the Mount Washington Resort Community we would like to ask you a few quick questions:

Arrow  Do you recognize the benefits and potential of coordinating common interests?
Arrow  Do you want a voice and a vote on the future of your "All-Season" Alpine Resort?
Arrow  Do you want to pursue new markets & opportunities?
Arrow  Do you want to help ensure visitors have a great experience?

If you answered yes to just one of the questions above you probably recognize the benefit of a Resort Association and can see the positive impact of a community all pushing in the same direction. 

Mount Washington Resort Association dba Tourism Mount washington is a not for profit membership-funded organization that welcomes the input of our members and we encourage you as a member of, or business servicing the Mount Washington Resort Community, to become an active member of Tourism Mount Washington . . .  your Resort Association.

For further information as to how you can become involved or to request a membership application form, please email



Tourism Mount Washington's primary role is to bring together the collective resources of its members in order to market, facilitate and encourage the development, maintenance and operation of Mount Washington Alpine Resort as a year-round destination for the ultimate beneft of its members, their customers and guests.

Members will benefit from the coordination and management of sales and marketing activities, with the objective of increasing occupancy during summer and winter operations and with the longer term objectives of attracting overnight stays in the shoulder seasons and attracting more traffic and yields through promoting individual businesses and facilities offered by the members of Tourism Mount Washington.

We will actively partner with other Tourism Associations and form co-operative initiatives to maximize the value of our budget and to obtain maximum exposure for Tourism Mount Washington.

Immediate Direct Benefits include:

  • Representation on the Board – you have a voice and vote as to who represents you on the Tourism Mount Washington Board
  • Free listing for your rental property on the Tourism Mount Washington Website
  • Online booking system for managed rental properties
  • Free racking facilities in both the Alpine and Raven Lodge
  • Reduced advertising rates in our guides & partnered promotions
  • Participation in joint promotional and advertising initiatives designed to increase overnight visitors to the mountain
  • Tourism BC Approved Accommodation status under the banner of Tourism Mount Washington for applicable compliant managed rental properties

Active Involvement on the Board or a committee

As a member in good standing you can put your name forward for nomination to the Board or appointment to a commitee so that you can become actively involved in developing a Resort Association that is committed to sustainable development of facilities and services on the mountain to enhance year-round owner and visitor experiences and assist rental property owners generate revenue through Strategic Marketing Plan

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