Mount Washington Tourism, Mount Washington Resorts

The Mount Washington Resort Association is dedicated to developing and promoting Mount Washington as Vancouver Island’s Premiere Mountain Resort and Recreational Destination.

Our vision is make visiting, living and doing business on Mount Washington a wonderful experience for visitors and members alike. Together, we will bring our vision of a family friendly tourism resort offering year-round, world caliber facilities to individuals, developers and businesses on Vancouver Island, across British Columbia, throughout Canada and around the world.

We will present the top alpine recreational facilities, the top brands, the top business and residential opportunities, and the top ROI for our members.

Tourism Mount Washington is a not-for-profit membership based organization that was founded in October 2007 to bring together all current and future stakeholders and their collective resources as members. Tourism Mount Washington's defined purpose is to co-ordinate the common interests of all current and future property owners, business enterprises and service companies working on Mount Washington, BC through an annually elected board of directors.

OUR ROLE is to work with our membership to develop a vibrant resort community, to promote Mount Washington, increase the number of year round visitors and collaborate with our members to enhance Mount Washington Resort's reputation as one of the favoured winter & summer  family recreational resorts on Vancouver Island. In addition, we will be addressing the logistical and operational needs of our members to protect and maximize their investment on the mountain.

OUR OBJECTIVE is to coordinate the common interests of all property owners and commercial interests on Mount Washington and to enhance the economic impact and our members' yield in line with the growth and development of the mountain. These objectives will be met by developing marketing, communications and promotional programs aimed at targeted markets and designed to meet the needs of our collective members.

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